Monday, January 30, 2012

This Project is Sew Easy ;-) Well this one is for people with sewing machines.
Well I own a brother sewing machine I purchased at Wal-Mart years ago. I don't really sew much because I do not know how. I've tried to learn and made a few basic things. But tonights post is not about's about scrapbooking! There is this really cool scrapbook tool Sew Easy you can add stitching too your scrapbook pages by hand and this rotery tool pierces the page for you in a pattern. There is also a rotary stamp that makes a ink stamped image that looks like stitch patterns.

However I own the sewing machine already it has different patterns and is so much faster then doing every stitch by hand. It's not as thick as the floss but it sure does the trick I love it. I purchased some cheapy threads in bright colors. Wound my Bobbins and started sewing and have used this several times in card making and scrapbooking. However I immediately new a pattern card would be usefull. I used a fold card for card making and just started stitching about halfway up one side ..then the important time saver part just release the foot lift up the pressure foot and slide it over to start a new line of stitching. Yes if you want it perfect sew straight rows  and cut each end but with 49 stitch patterns I my machine This was faster and less hassle and took up less thread. Don't forget to number them as you go if your machine has numbers for each stitch...fold the card and place it in it's handy cover a envelope...tah dah future reference sheet for projects! YOUR DONE!How cute will some of these be as accents?!
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

CHA 2012 Whats New

Tim Holtz

My Review;
  TOOOOOO many steps 11 min into the video we are just starting to cut? We have to pierce our own clear transparency films..that could go so wrong..why was that not factory done? I want crafting to be some work..but this was just to much. I would never get anything done

Saturday, January 28, 2012

SaltTree: Apothecary-esk DIY

SaltTree: Apothecary-esk DIY: Love those apothecary jars you see all over design magazines and shows? Don't love the price tag enough to buy your own? Think the one ...Pinned Image

I love this pos by Salt Tree & the photo I found from Pinterest. I have purchased a bunch of little glass/ maybe some part crystal glass candlestick holders from goodwill.  I used them once at my friends bridal shower on a large sofa sized framed mirror that was set on a table flat. I sprinkled rhinestones, little diamonds and gold and silver sequens all over the mirror and had all different heights and styles of these candle holders..the affect was really pretty bouncing off the mirrored table top. Then they were used again in the cocktail area at her wedding as little extra pieces of decor. However I'm about to get them back and how very cool would it make these!! Not to mention I have 4 glass containers and a candle jar that will be finished soon. Any way though I did not write the blog above it's so pretty  I wanted to share

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Throw Pillow Frenzy

Throw Pillow Frenzy
So our sofa had a board break underneath still functions for the moment but Lord & Uncle sam willing (tax return)  Iwill be ordering a new sofa (I narrowed it down to 2) either will be a charcoal microfiber (medium grey).

The one on the top

Is  so long that it fits me, Hubby & kids side by side with room funny does not look that big? Anyway Hubby likes modern I like eclectic design.Want to know your signature style take this test at Ethan Allen it's fun. But do it like 3 times to get a accurate feel and remeber directions are (not what photo you stare at and like best..but instantly as the photo comes up choose the one your eye is more drawn to at first sight)

 To often modern comes off a little to IKEA plastic cheap for offense IKEA has some great stuff...and not so great too. However thats just it... is a "inexpensive way to decorate and you can easily use COLOR COLOR COLOR. I have recently been drawn to so many pillows on Pinterest. Since Drew hates, despizes & loathes zebra print ..and well my signature style is everyroom a tini tiny something has to be animal print..sounds tacky would have to see. For instance..note this room  hubby & I both love the style.ahhmm note the pillows Z-E-B-R-A..he he,,,however I'm loving some of these modern textiles and this black and white chevron thing Ikeep seeing reapeted WOW it's a mod zebra for me. Anyway upon new sofa...I ofcourse want new I priced around..and came to the conclusion...I have way to good of taste in pillow$ number one and number two I need to take a trip to the fabric store Tassel's here I come. MY next sewing project pillow covers for the old pillows on the sofa...inexpensive I can pick and choose some great fabrics and it wont feel so cookie cutter.

Have you found yourself at certain points in your life drawn to different colors...not your fav but just drawn? Like it hits you one day the last 3 things you pointed out to your frineds you like was purple. My "mood color I call it" can be in groups...and when  Isee a good display of makes me so happy my toes curl up like a happy kitten in the sun.note the happy kitty feet :-)I have to stop before I buy a cat instead of pillows...anyway just a thought it's supper easy to sew a square I'm not adding a zipper to much work for me right now. Fabric will cost less then pillow covers and  I really and kinda digging the random mix of pillows I've seen recently.

Question of the day..What's your MOOD COLOR been recently?
me: Black white and sunny creamy yellow or-- colbalt and orange....mainly orange as you can see below... for home decor. For clothing DK. purple

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pinterest Michelle Obama birthday photo.. Riot Sarah Traub oops

Tonight  I started purely by accident a "Pinterest Riot" still going we speek but they reported ad blocked me...what for...the truth. Oh it all was just shut down. Forgive my not normall post tonight but after all homemaking is not all cookies and glitter we are strong women who have strong beliefs which we may discuss over our new fabulous Pinterest unicorn poop cookie's (it's really on there look in the search for it). So I feel I will lay down my glue gun tonight to invite you to Sarah's World which does include politics sometimes. If you want to comment go for it no holds barre. The orange comments below are by me,  and the orange was NOT printed on the site for them to see it is my commentary thoughts....shortly in they blocked me and continued to have their say...thats it block it out people. Is that how you handle difference?
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This is a lovely photo of our first lady Michelle Obama... beautiful though some people referd to it as scary..eek..a disgrace. one posting had this to say.
“There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost.” -Michelle Obama

I responded to the persons comment:

She is beautiful and that saying above? as amember of the black community..she puts that first formost...thought we were all created equal?

Thus launching a riot attack against me for pointing out the truth.... Let me point it out to you this way I viewed her comment as a racial bias hidden in elequent words....let me ask you does this offend you if I say it....
“There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the "WHITE"community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the "WHITE" community first and foremost.”

First off I never said that anywere but here and IN NO WAY BELIEVE THAT..this was for pointing out the racial bias of the comment ONLY


Abby Harris Sarah, I agree with you. She is beautiful, and we are all created equally. That's why I hope that our leaders will use their resources to benefit us all...equally. That's just me, though. I meant no offense.
GO ABBY HARRIS...she got what I was saying but the only person!

Cyxx Really? You're holding against her an out-of-context quote taken from a thesis she wrote 23 years ago? Seriously?

OKAY OKAY I see fire I through gas messing with Cyxx's comment I replied:

Sarah Traub Not holding it against her there so much to hold against her husband I don't need to focus on her ;-)
NOT the most loving words ok...thus insuing a riot to the MAXX

Carman Alvillar This all makes me sad. Michelle Obama is fabulous. You are going to whine because she wants to help the black community? Thats sad.

LETS NOT FOCUS ON THE POINT CARMAN...Lets just dance and dance around what I said/whined evidently...can you tell whineing by typing ..oh yeah..IIII DDOOOOnt wike racialy bias quotes whhaaaaaa LOL no really

Carman Alvillar I would love to sit down with Mr. and Mrs. Obama and have lunch with them. They seem like fantastic, down to earth people.

I would to were are we eating..some place fancy I hope :-)

Karen Garnica Abby and Sarah - you do mean to be offensive, and pinterest is not the place for it.


So I was asked... by
 Karen Garnica What exactly has the president done that was so aweful to you Sarah?

Now I'm looking and looking an do not see were I said "Barack Obama was so aweful to me" Do you see it? I'm looking still......this is like the worst game of SUPER Y and the Super readers ever because with them you look and find stuff ...I'm looking not finding

I get her though...but this...ME not supporting does not =He did something Aweful to me personally... poor KAREN GARNICA she must have had some rough relation ships in the past w e will pray for you.... moving on....

Sarah Traub number 2 issue (this is in response to Karen's confusion)

my number one issue is he supports abortion

then I concluded a link to
 Karen Garnica to look at Google-search abortion photos and look at what you are supporting

Sarah Traub look at what your supporting at your own risk its graphic

Carman Alvillar Ok look theres so many different types of abortion. I'm not even clicking that link because I have two kids and I dont feel like looking at a link thats possibly to dead babies and their limbs.

Really what your supporting and voting for is so bad you can't face it...think people???? PLEASE...educating yourself on what you support...kinda important....and it does not matter what kind of abortion it all end sin the same result...murder, heartache, pain, depression.

Karen Garnica Sarah, so you are against "equal" access to health care?

Yes Karen  I want you to die in the street because you can not afford to pay the enormous cost of OBAMA CARE YUP...thats what  I want. HA HA...that question is stupid affordable...affordable what I'm for I owe with insurance over $1,000 with insurance good insurnace for my son to leave the children hospital with a bandaid...yes they did other work catscan mainly the expensive part... but the way it is way way way cheaper then what OBAMA CARE HAS TO OFFER...I'm having trouble paying this amount Obamacare would do me in for sure!

Karen Garnica Sarah, stop. you are so out of line.

What line was that Karen? OH you mean that politically correct keep your opinions in a box, say only every ones a winner here is atrophy box...nah not for me..Enjoy your box ,but I live in America home of the free.... and free to express MY OPINION!!! , but some of us were born to be hearded in a line KAREN but not me. and mainly if I do not feel the line follows the truth of my beleifs.

Joni Holland Sheesh....'she' is not 'he'......I would be incensed if someone judged me, based on my husband's beliefs or actions. She's a woman's woman. Ladies we need all the help we can get. This pic was merely a celebration of her birthday. And indeed, she is beautiful.

NEVER SAID "SHE" is "he"...again not seeing it...not said

Kristina Moore Really? We can't comment on a gorgeous photo of a classy woman without it becoming an opportunity for political commentary?

No Kristina Not when it's the presidents wife and she has a quote underneath that is racially bias .then no ...can't just be oooh pretty photo and ignore the road kill beneath some of us feel our beliefs of whats right and wrong still. We have not lost ethics to conform to getting in a politically correct lines.

Abby Harris Excuse me, Karen? You have no idea where I'm coming from. I said I meant no offense, and I didn't.

ABBY SCORES AGAIN YOU GO GIRL TELL THEM I've been blocked already!


Wait there is a whole Pinterest out there go look at cookies Lisa no one invited you to be the mother of a conversation you just connected to.

Abby Harris YES MA'AM!!!!!!!

HA HA ABBY cracks me up...

then the site was blocked from comments

I still recieved a few links from somewere

Karen Garnica:I have read Mrs. Obama's entire Princeton thesis, it was good and valid

The quote at the top came from the thesis...does racial bias = good and valid to anyone? anyone?

Karen Garnica again:I have read Mrs. Obama's entire Princeton thesis. She may not be aware of the fact  that her husband's ancestors donated the land for Princeton and founded the university. This I know because we share common ancestry."

Okay Karen got the wrong recipe for brownies on here. Mr. Clinton (I did not inhale)..but he did eat the brownies LOL!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Valentines Day

Victorian Valentines Day postcard, Clapsaddle, Cupid with huge hat and doves
Tax season! Is all those refund checks what cause us to be so snuggly. Some couples bah humbug this day...oh it's just another retail day so they can steal your money...OH BAH LOVE BUG! People like that made cupid cry..poor cupid! NO NO NO it is a perfect excuse to fan some flames and warm up things a bit and bring a little romance into your relationship. So I'm encouraging everyone to NOT TEXT, Face Time, Email, fax, telegraph...pony express (((WRITE))) your significant other a Valentine. Try to make it as swirly written cursive as you can manage love letter...or how much you mean to me couldn't hurt. 

 I typed in Google st. valentine's day victorian images and clicked is sooo pretty I have got to make a card NOW to write my letter in! Or I might die! 

So what is Saint Valentines Day to you?

Us ladys must be beautiful and witty too. Below is some historical factuals that hopefuly will enterest you a bit about valentines Day. I know it's blah blah history but it's kinda sweet and interesting history so make yourself read who knows you might get a wrinkle in your brain shaped likea heart.

At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in the early Martyrologies under date of 14 February.
One is described as a priest at Rome, another as bishop of Interamna (modern Terni).
Of the third Saint Valentine, who suffered in Africa with a number of companions, nothing further is known.
One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men — his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured.

According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first "valentine" greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl — who may have been his jailor's daughter — who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed "From your Valentine," an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure. It's no surprise that by the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France.
Love being associated with this day is believed to be from the middles ages in France and England during halfway through the second month of the year February 14th birds (fowls) would begin to pair together...awe doesn't that make you want to go out and hug a chicken? This started showing up in poetry.

Chaucer's Parliament of Foules
For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne's day
Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.

St. Valentine's Day Massacre - 1929

One February evening in North Chicago, seven well-dressed men were found riddled with bullets inside the S.M.C Cartage Co. garage. They had been lined up against a wall, with their backs to their executioners and shot to death. With the exception of Dr. Reinhardt H. Schwimmer these men were mobsters working under the leadership of gangster and bootlegger, "Bugs" Moran. Within a few seconds, while staring at a bare brick wall, these seven men had become a part of Valentine's Day history: the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. St. Valentine's Day Massacrethis is a 1929 photo of police reinacting the crime.When the bodies were discovered splattered on the floor of the garage, it seemed at first glance, that not one single person could have survived the force of the attack. However, this proved to be untrue, when one investigator on the scene found Frank Gusenberg lying amongst the bloody corpses, breathing heavily and choking on his own blood. Immediately, the unconscious victim was taken to the hospital where investigators waited with anticipation for their only possible lead to wake up and finger the men who were responsible. Their greatest fear was that he would die before they had the opportunity to question him, but eventually he did wake. When he was asked for the identity of the killer, he simply stated "I'm not gonna talk," before he laid his head back and died. Without Frank Gusenberg's testimony and with only a few eye witnesses outside the garage, the investigators had to return to the scene of the crime and try to piece the murder together with what information they had.
After a re-enactment of the crime, authorities concluded that the two men dressed as policemen entered the garage and acted as if they were police on a routine investigation. The Moran outfit automatically assumed that they were policemen on a routine sting. It was obvious that they didnt suspect anything questionable with the two uniformed killers or they certainly would have never been killed without a fight. But as it was, the mobsters seemed to have cooperated with the costumed officers and consequently let the fake policemen disarm them and force them up against the wall. As soon as their backs were turned, the two men in plain clothes entered with guns and shot them down.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I know each and every one of you woke up this morning wondering what my New Years Resolution is. By the way is there a rule like not speeking wishes that if you talk about it or say it aloud that it will not come true? (I sure hope not) You have to understand I know I'm full figured so loosing weight should be just a given..not my resolution is out of guilt. Let me introduce you to my 4 year old son's former pet strawberry plant this Pet strawberry plant went from store to store with us he even cried once because I would not let him take it into church. Oh yeah and do you like his outfit he picked it out I like it kid has his own unique since of style. Mom got a little tired of toteing the pet plant from store to she said the plant would be happier if it lived in the ground. In the begining said pet strawberry plant was happy...until one day someone got very busy (aka mom) with a little baby inside and neglected to water it (my younger son)..see it was too hot for baby to go out and his very fair skin did not do well either so mom and baby spent a good portion of those hot days inside...poor pet strawberry plant was neglected...and passed along to strawberry plant heaven...may it rest in piece.
So my resolution grow the best pet strawberry plant this year!!! And try my best not to let it die...I promise nothing..but will do my best google research & strap a hat and sunscreen and unbrella over that baby and get to watering.
Also I'm considering a small contained herb garden. Not sure of the design yet but I found a few ideas I thought  I would share with you below. I love to cook with fresh herbs so why not give it a shot. The pyramid stacked planters is made from palettes imagine that more palette ideas cool! The last wood herb garden is my favorite and pretty sure it's the one to hold herbs and strawberrys alike.
 I love the wine cork glued on a skewer for garden labels what a cute idea.
You know what recipe the fresh herbs would be delish on my chicken in wine sauce easy easy recipe here it goes try it it's delish. I usually serve with green beans and stove top stuffing.

3-4 frozen is fine thawed less cook time chicken breasts
1 can of cambells brand NO healthychoice cream of chicken condensed soup
1 cup of white wine use the cheapy stuff by vinagers and olive oils at walmart White House brand I think
1/5 regular size bag of sharp cheddar cheese

Place frozen chicken breasts in a aluminum foil coverd rectangular bake pan or pyrex glass baking dish...I pam out of habit

scoop out soup and spread it ouver chicken do NOT be fancy plop it on

pour wine over mixture also add about half soup can of water you want a good amount of juices in bottom of pan about 3rd to half a inch atleast if not more it's not a exact science

 sprinkle on chease and kinda stir into soup wine were you can

. Bake at 425 for about 30-45 min.

..serve with love

and if you find yourself with some fresh basil and parsley thyme or oregeno throw some on it and a dash of lemon and pepper mmmm

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

How to Make Cake Pops

Everyone Keeps Asking How I POP?
(make cake pops that is)
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Well here it goes. As any great gossip column I must start with bashing...I can't stand the texture of most cake pops out there..the usual process includes crumbling the cake and mixing with a tub of icing or I believe sweetened condensed milk...AH EWE..squishy cake NO GOOD! Like every good housewife I buy a machine to do most the work for me ;-) The Baby Cakes Cake pop maker (I got mine at Kohl's for $19.99 on sale I think reg. $29.99) There is a cake pop pan set at bed bath and Beyond that may work good too but I have not tried it. This baby cake pop maker I felt was silly for me to even own it was just a luxury item which I'm not into the next wave of ronco food everything gadets in my kitchen that peel the potatoes, pet the dog and cook a 57 lbs. turkey to perfect juicy plumpness and has little elves that dance and sing around it when the timer goes off and it lights up with 50 L.E.D. rainbow lights.... and come with not one but two sets of free ginsutookuferyermona' knives all for just 52.5 payments of $ appologies for that....huhmmm anyway I only like basic kitchen appliances but something about the cake pop maker brought back that one moment of me mixing and baking and smelling the chocolate cake smell of my Easy Bake Oven toy when I was a little  girl and smothering my still warm cake with gooey icing I made myself ,and sharing my baked goods with my brothers and parents and watching them devour it and tell me how good I did...awe...but the baby needed socks and Nathan needed turtle necks so  I passed up the machine. However Birthday time rolled around and there cam my super husband to the Dream bake shop in my head rescue...naaah ...naaaah!!! He bought me the cake pop maker for my birthday..(this is were you say awwweee) Yes feel the warm fuzzies they are so great!
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I ripped it open still trying to not look like a wild wilderbeast devouring it's prey...and trying to keep my femanine composure..I opened it up and started right away! It worked I was "poping" everything..bananna pancake pops...cake...brownies...blueberry muffins atlass  I was in Easy Bake..I mean BABY Cake pop heaven...watching my family devour them and telling me what a great job I did. So How did I do it simple.

sprinkles, pearls powder, or icing spray the Duff brand spray is what I used w/coupon at michaels) 
plastic baggies
2 styrofoam boards that will fit in your freezer

YOU MAY ALSO WANT EXTRA STYROFOAM FOR DISPLAYING (i suggest  painting the top with martha stewart craft paints) and glue ribbon around the side edge's for a display base. You may also use wood skewers to stick in styrofoam and be taller then the cake pops hot glue bows or a birthday sign or paper dicut letters to go with your theme or decor for a party.

1) Make your box cake mix according to directions

2) place a baggie in a glass or coffee mug and fold the top down so the zip area is facing out basicly just using it as a extra hand to hold the bag open while you spoon in or pour your mixture into it.

3)Have your candy melts in a glass bowl on a pot with a little bit of boiling water in it or if you own a double broiler then use it ofcourse.. and temper (Melt them just right) your candys. Now they will be two thick read the back but I added about 1.5 -2 TBSP. of crisco to the candys you have to play with the consistency it is easy but still a artform I suggest leaving your burner on but turned down and remove the candys if it gets thick place oback on burner for a bit until you get a good consistancy to work with again. you want it almost lighlty runny not thick like yogurt. Also have your sticks laying out opened ready to rumble.

4)Though I do NOT normally suggest PAMING ANYTHING exspecially non stick because after a period of time the chemicals to spray (Propellants or emolients I think?) in Pam break down any non-stick cookware...I found it was my only choice for a easy release  I tried oils and butter and crisco would just seem to messy for this so pam it was spritzer down lightly.

5) Keeping that corner of the bag facing up cut the tip off just about 2/3" opening wide at the end and pipe until lower batter area is almost full and shut the lid. You do kinda have to play with each flavor/brand/ mix to see how full to fill it and how long to leave it in cooking one light is not always enough actually usually never enough you kinda need to really cook it good the outside needs to have a med brown golden crust look not a golden light fluffy or it will just not hold its shape and collapse a lot after you remove it and it cools.

6)Use the pronged fork tool stick in horizontaly into the cake like at it's equator line (get it?) becareful NOT to stick it all the way through to the other side that can almost sever it for some reason and the tool WILL SCRATCH OFF THE NON-STICK SURFACE...rotate the cake so the top of circle is on the bottom and close lid if you cook this way for some reason it does better I guess it's kinda like rotating those waffles in the waffle irons.

7)Now working quickly but never frantic good house wives must be calm and collective (LOL NOT) dip the end of a cake pop stick  anyway dip the end of the stick about 1" into the candy melts thin push into the cake pop about half way...then lift and flip the cake up and out of the cake pop maker...if you are getting a lot of broken ones you modt likely did not cook it long enough if it is falling down the stick it is either not cooked long enough or you pushed it through to much try doing it less next time. the candy melts will harden and act as glue to hold the cake to the stick during the full diping process. Push the non cake end of the stick into styrofoam DO NOT PRESS STICK ALL THE WAY THROUGH JUST IN A LITTLE. When your styrofoam is full carry the cake pops to the freezer... now you may freeze them for just a hour or so... but they will be better if you can freeze them over night..your choice.

8) Have your candy melts melted never use food coloring to dye the candy melts it will ruin them either buy the colors you need or there is special dye at the craft store you can use to dye them. Once your candy melts are ready pull your cake pops out of the freezer hold the stick, dip the cake part in coating until just covering it and berely touching the stick and pull it this as fast as you can the longer the cake is in the candy melts the warmer the cnadymelts holding it to the stick become therefore loosening your glue...right so then still holding the cak pop above the bowl at a angle lightly very lightly tap each pop removing the excess candy coating push into another styrofoam piece while its wet add sprinkles or oreo crumbs to the top quickly it dries fast. Also you may use spray colors or brush on cake icing shimmers with a brush once dry. I have used both wilton cake icing pearls powder and DUFF brand metallic icing cake spray from micheals it was so cool metalic silver cake pops!.............and serve with love.

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Cricut Imagine -VS- Silhouette Cameo

Cricut vs Cameo
 For those of us unaware this posting is about the newest fad in diecut machines.
Yes folks it has dawned a new area....i'm ridding myself of all things cricut. I started with a cricut Expression (version 1) machine it was awesome! I know there was a lot of frustration in the begining with people and how to operate such a teckie device without ripping our paper to shreds. After educating myself with online tutorials and going to 2 classes on cricuting...I learned pretty much nothing LOL you kinda just had to talk to her (your machine) nicely cross your fingers close your eyes raise your right pinkie nod twice and just hope and pray it did not ruin your totaly awesome new design reversable $2.00 sheet of paper ha ha!  Then my ever faithful husband who supports my cricut habbit bought me a sweet it is to be loved by you!

Better Images then Cameo
Better Patterns then Cameo
Prints (12x12 paper)

So many problems
giant and heavy
cartridges do not allow you the freedom
to pick & choose only images you want/need and use
cartridges are a pain to store and tote arround
can not use Sure Cut's A Lot
can not use any font on computer

To start this machine upon arrival was giant and heavy. That was a problem because my back was injured at the time. 30 something lbs. YIPES for the size and cost it should have sprout wheels and drove me around the room. However I really purchased this to go along with the cricut Craft Room...after I opened my machine and got all the downloads uploads bend over backward loads original cartridges did not work besides paper dolls.(Flaw in the recent updates) I called cricut there was no fix...I had a party in 3 days to make decor for and I had planned on using my machine...BAD CRICUT NO! NO! Cricut did offer me a compinsation of $25 credit online..thanks for the bone better then nothing. Finally my mahine got a update few weeks later...and cricut craftroom was finally released to the last of us that were not in the "SPECIAL PEOPLE Betta tester CLUB" that it was open to for testing to... which seemed to be everyone I new but me...(feel sorry for me...okay were good now)...I got on I loaded unloaded reloaded backwards loaded everything to machine and computer and GYPSY...and my moment ...I hit the green cut button in the right corner after thinking up a great design A-N-D!!! Tah Dah! my machine growled my cutter housing hopped....and it spit my matt back at me...N-O-T-H-I-N-G...months of excitement like a kid in a candy store and Provo Craft took my candy and wipe their buts with it through it on the ground and stomped on it. THANKS PROVO CRAFT..turns out my machine is not working right after a call to customer service with 3o min wait time...atleast there is the warranty...oh yeah did I mention this was my second Imagine to have problems the first had to be boxed up and shipped back to provocraft as as number 3 is right now on it's way back to the factory I'm DONE-Finished-Fanito. Listen I know provo craft can get their act together and when they get the kinks worked out and the poo  off my candy stick (but seriously who wants a pooed candy stick you kinda killed the moment here) they can patch up this mess and there stuff is very the imagine patterns the distressed looks exspecially the buccaneer imagine cartridge sooo cool you can see a pirate card above. But then there is also the lawsuit Provo craft sued Sure Cut's A Lot software co. for designing a software that allowed people to cut any font and svg design....Customers everywere said ...but this is what we want!!...I know it had to have hurt cartridge sales..but what about your customers and what they wanted? Did you ever think of us...Blogs everywere now are boycotting-hateing on-and giving up Provocraft items just because of this...just a thought why not partner with Sure Cuts a Lot? brand your own Software? charge us  out the --Ahm..for it as usual and be done with it. As it stands  I will say the Imagine patterns and images I do like better and printing a 12x12 sheet (you can if you set it to do overspray or offspray however it words that on the settings area) I like that better then silhouette cameo thus far...but all the problems and toteing a gianormous machine for crops...nah

Fun designs boxes, lanterns, flower groupings, card kits earring holders
prints with home printer pretty neat
pick and choose only images you want
small machine

you will most likely not want to take a printer and machine to crop meets
the designs are nice but not as high quality as cricuts YET

I don't own it yet so I can not say a ton. but seconds are ticking away on my cricut stuff on ebay and I'm almost at my Goal to purchase it! I have downloaded the software for the silhouette machine because though it's not mine yet there is a free image every week and I'm saving those and shopping around images making a wishlist that is saved under my account so when She arrives in the mail..Bam I will start buying. I have seen that a few people had problems with the blades and had to send back for a replacement...though they also seemed to admit it was more user error then machine error because the instructions were not very good. That was only a few people here and there mostly on reviews online it's only glowing reviews...not a lot bad said. They say it cuts intricate designs even out of cheapy printer copy paper like buttah! (butter) and leaves a clean edge...hmm we will see.  VINYL ON WASHER LOVE

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

 I love the 1920's glam and light beaming sheen these
 furniture pieces give off. However their check
 bounceing, bank breaking price tags make me want to
 fall over sometimes when I read them. So my motto
 "If you can not afford to buy it then make it." I must
 silver leaf something not just talk about it I must place
 silver leaf to something soon! So I'm scouting out my
home for a starter piece. Though my eyes are not
closed at thrift stores and Craig's List too. Maybe I will
 do a end table I own now that will not go with the style
 of our new sofa (coming soon)? jewelry box?lamp?
 Watch out kids don't get in mommy's way you may be
 silver LOL!
 I also found in my research that aluminum leafing is
 cheaper then silver leaf and has a higher shine
Ebay has 500 and 1,000 sheat quantity's of aluminum
 leaf ($40-$50 range give or take some shoe money)
 for ubber cheap (clearly according to your dimensions
 but to give you a idea it will take about 250 sheets

approx. to  a small nightstand front and sides.
 Read your product instructions...however the norm is
 these require a thin layer of adhesive made specificly
 for leafing dont venture I have and it does not finish as
well as this product. You must use it either outside or in
 a super well ventilated area. It turns slighty tacky after
it drys for a bit. Then you lift your sheet and smooth it
onto the tacky surface gently tamping it down with a
 super sof bristle brush. Start on a side and after just a
 few sheets you will be close to a pro however throw
perfectionism to the wind and know it will have flaws
and be slightly tilty. Thats okay when you stand back at
 your over all project being complete you will be to
distracted by it's shiney awesome to really take notice
 I have gold and silver leafed previously and its fun
however it is time consuming. Also a small note of
warning you will have flecks of silver all over if you can
 salvage the silver flecks place them in a baggie or
container use the small flecks for nails or other future crafty whims! Good Luck
Something to silver leaf
Silver/Gold/ or Aluminum Leaf (craft stores or ebay/online)
Adhesive (specific to leafing)
and leafing sealer
soft bristle paint brush for tamping and smoothing