I know each and every one of you woke up this morning wondering what my New Years Resolution is. By the way is there a rule like not speeking wishes that if you talk about it or say it aloud that it will not come true? (I sure hope not) You have to understand I know I'm full figured so loosing weight should be just a given..not my resolution...however..my resolution is out of guilt. Let me introduce you to my 4 year old son's former pet strawberry plant
So my resolution grow the best pet strawberry plant this year!!! And try my best not to let it die...I promise nothing..but will do my best google research & strap a hat and sunscreen and unbrella over that baby and get to watering.
Also I'm considering a small contained herb garden. Not sure of the design yet but I found a few ideas I thought I would share with you below. I love to cook with fresh herbs so why not give it a shot. The pyramid stacked planters is made from palettes imagine that more palette ideas cool! The last wood herb garden is my favorite and pretty sure it's the one to hold herbs and strawberrys alike.
I love the wine cork glued on a skewer for garden labels what a cute idea.
You know what recipe the fresh herbs would be delish on my chicken in wine sauce easy easy recipe here it goes try it it's delish. I usually serve with green beans and stove top stuffing.
3-4 frozen is fine thawed less cook time chicken breasts
1 can of cambells brand NO healthychoice cream of chicken condensed soup
1 cup of white wine use the cheapy stuff by vinagers and olive oils at walmart White House brand I think
1/5 regular size bag of sharp cheddar cheese
Place frozen chicken breasts in a aluminum foil coverd rectangular bake pan or pyrex glass baking dish...I pam out of habit
scoop out soup and spread it ouver chicken do NOT be fancy plop it on
pour wine over mixture also add about half soup can of water you want a good amount of juices in bottom of pan about 3rd to half a inch atleast if not more it's not a exact science
sprinkle on chease and kinda stir into soup wine were you can
. Bake at 425 for about 30-45 min.
..serve with love
and if you find yourself with some fresh basil and parsley thyme or oregeno throw some on it and a dash of lemon and pepper mmmm
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